Friday, May 21, 2010

A lion's roar can be heard from five miles away.

Toilet Thing

India has MORE cellphones than TOILETS.

Canadian Fact

The population of the state of California is more than the country of Canada.

California's population in 2009 was estimated at 36,961,664 people. That's more than the 33,487,208 people estimated to live in Canada at the time.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Puma & Adidas founders are NAZI's

The creators of Adidas and Puma were brothers...and Nazis.

Adolf "Adi" Dassler started and Rudolph "Rudi" Dassler started a line of sports shoes in Germany in 1924. They both joined the NAZI party when Hitler rose to power. Rudi was drafted to fight in WWII and was captured by Allied forces. American soldiers suspected him of being a member of the SS (Hitler's paramilitary force), and Rudi was convinced that his brother, Adi, had ratted him out.

Due to irreconcilable differences between the two brothers the Dassler Brothers Shoe Factory fell apart in 1948. Adi went on to start his own line of shoes, "Adidas" (based on his name, Adi Dassler). Rudi started his own line of shoes, "Puma", named after the German word for "Panther".

Every year, dogs kill more people in the US than Great White sharks have in the past 100 years.

Overall, dogs kill more people in the US every year than sharks do. You are more likely to be killed by a dog than by a shark, and you are much more likely to be bitten by a dog than bitten by a shark. There has only been one confirmed fatal shark attack in the US in 2009. Compare that to 25 deaths in the US caused by dogs in that same year.

Crocodile Bite Power

The Crocodile has the most powerful bite on the planet, but you can keep their jaws closed with just some duct tape.

A crocodile's bite is approximately 5,000 psi (pounds per square inch). In layman's terms, that's about 15 times the biting strength of a rottweiler, and more than 12 times the strength of a great white shark.

Average Dreamng

The Average Person Has between 1,460 and 2,190 Dreams A Year.

Most people over the age of 10 have 4 to 6 dreams every night.Those numbers times 365 days in one year makes for between 1,460 and 2,190 dreams every year. We dream during REMperiods (which is when we have Rapid EyeMovement in our sleep) which can range anywhere from 5 minutes to half an hour long. In the course of one night this happens multiple times.